Monday, August 5, 2024

Update: my new old marching snare drum

Although I am not currently playing in a community band, mostly for health reasons, I harbor a desire to keep playing somewhere, somehow. I hope that when my health stabilizes, I might be able to sit in with a local Honk! band, even if only on an occasional basis.

(And of course, my longtime fantasy of forming a Honk!-style drumline that is based on Rudimental drumming remains a fantasy, but one that still speaks to me. I can dream.)

So when I found this cheap CB700 marching snare through Goodwill, I snapped it up. I cleaned it up, replaced several of the lugs and got a couple of lightly used heads to put it together. I’m into it for less than $60 total and it will suit my purposes — and my drumming fantasies — adequately enough.

It came together easily. Having researched the parts by viewing photos of other older CB700 matching drums online, I’m now fairly certain that this drum was intended from the start to be a budget marching snare. The strainer and throw-off hardware looks a little klunky but is robust and should last a few more decades. I can’t tune it very high, but that’s actually okay. With a used Emperor batter head and a used Ambassador snare head, it tuned up easily and sounds fine enough.

I’m planning to sell off one or both of my vintage single-tension snare drums, as I don’t need them anymore. I got the information I needed, and I’m ready to move them along.

I think this will be fun! And if the single lugs aren’t able to withstand typical tension for a drum of this kind, I can replace them again with something a little stouter. 

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