Now that I'm home from my songwriter touring for awhile, I need to prepare for the Passover holiday (you would not believe how much stuff has to be done in advance, and how crazy I and my fellow MOTs can get this time of year as a result). But today, I had extended time for drumitation.
Today's pad was my late 40's Slingerland Radio King (you may drool now) the sound and feel of which always make me smile.
The feel of this pad is wonderful, the rubber still has plenty of bounce after all these years and it sounds great. If you come across a similar pad, I suggest you stick with slightly smaller sticks. I'm playing here with some Jeff Queen sticks, which are smaller than the typical modern marching stick and very comfortable in my hands. I also like Firth's IMS-10 indoor stick, which is no longer made but can be found online for cheap ($4.50 plus postage on eBay right now and he's got a few pairs. If you can live with nylon tips they're a bargain at the price). Makes a nice stick on older vintage pads, or a heavier concert band march stick for Sousa or similar. I'm tempted to get myself a second pair...
So I kept trying to get a clean video of this but kept forgetting a repeat on one of the camps. Finally, I put this one together, and since it was the cleanest playing I called it good. (Recommend you check out Donka Drums, for an enlightening video on the difference between diddles in duple meter and triplet meter. It will open up your playing beautifully.)
Next week: Some new arrivals in the vintage sticks department. Stay tuned and happy drumming!
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