Friday, January 17, 2025

Collecting: fish grow to the size of their tank.

I wasn’t immediately convinced that drum keys would open a new area of drum interest for me.

A lot of what I saw online included keys that were mass-produced as intentional souvenirs, mostly honoring musicians I didn’t know about and wasn’t especially inspired to listen to.

But when I scored a vintage WFL drum key in a junk pile at my local thrift store, I got interested. Now, I look mostly for vintage drum keys, plus anything unusual that catches my eye.

I started with an old cigar box I paid a buck for at Goodwill. One of the hinges needed repair, and the latch needed to be replaced, and tiny handles installed on the ends made it easier to lift when containing keys. I thought it would keep me awhile.

Five months later, I ran out of room, largely due to an unexpected windfall of old keys. So off I went to the thrift shops again, in search of a larger box. I found a nice old wine presentation box for a dollar, along with some leftover drawer handles (50 cents) that I installed on the ends.

To reduce rattling, both boxes are lined with thin mousepad material. I’m not in a rush to fill them both up, but I’m glad for the additional space.

If the drum key thing keeps catching my imagination, my next step will be to replace these two boxes with a small, multi-tiered sewing box with drawers. I’m hoping I don’t have to go there for quite awhile.

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